Sunday, November 14, 2010


No, it's not a fancy name my grandkids call me.  Or a nickname from some long-ago forgotten party.  Rather, it's MY reminder from when I was in college.  Yes, I went to college.  Surprised?  Don't be.  I am still five classes shy of my degree.  See,  I opted to get married and have kids.

Back to GIGO.  It was a term from my word processing class - garbage in = garbage out.  And that has had me thinking.  A lot.  Because if I am going to be the Christian I want to be, then I need to make sure I put in good stuff.

And that's not always easy in today's world.  Even billboards are oftentimes left of center, so to speak!  But my challenge for myself will be to put good stuff in so good stuff will come out.  More praise and worship music.  More quiet time.  More quality programs (well, that may be difficult because the selection is so limited!). Less junk movies that have suspect language (after all, if you hear something often enough, it WILL become part of your vocabulary, like it or not).

So I'm saying "NO" to GIGO.  How about you?

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